Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The World's Greatest Secret Agent

No, it's not James Bond or Sydney Bristow. As Gob Bluth would say, "C'MON!" It's none other than the one-eyed white wonder: Dangermouse!

For those of you young enough, or old enough, to remember, DM was shown regularly on Nickelodeon in the 1980s. It was a British invention, and I remember how my brother and I would imitate the accents we heard, right down to Penfold's signature line. While we are currently TV-less, when we had Sky TV, we could catch an episode here or there. I'm glad I got reacquainted with DM, and I look forward to having TV again so I don't have to write so many blog posts... But as they do here, I must keep a stiff upper lip.


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