Sunday, January 25, 2009

Mysteries of Britain, Part I

Even though I've lived in MOE for more than 3 years now, there are still some things about the culture I just don't understand. I encountered one today: It's raining out, and no one has an umbrella. Some people (mostly old men trying to cover their bald patches) were wearing hats, one or two had hoodies up, but no one I saw had a brolly.

Why? Do people here like getting wet? Are they genetically altered to have skin and hair on which the raindrops bead? Mr. W says it's about "toughness." Brits are tougher than we Yanks are. I say they're just wetter than we are. Anyone care to enlighten me on when it's appropriate to use protection when it's raining out?

Thanks in advance,
Ignorant in Islington

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

For some reason I could never sanction using an umbrella. It always seemed to be something that fits into the same category as handbags; possibly useful but not really the thing for a young man about town to be seen carrying.

6:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would also add the, "it's freezing out and nobody's wearing a jacket" observation. Not that the Brits don't done their Burberry's and Barbour's "in season" - but, this was late June, my girlfriend was wearing a fur lined coat, and the local crowd at the Orangery at Hyde Park/Kensington was in short sleeves acting as if it were a normal Summer's day, like the rest of the Northern Hemisphere was enjoying.

I imagine it's a sort of self-conscious-denial coming from the stigma of a foul weather reputation ... you know, like a guy who pretends he didn't fart in the elevator.

10:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was out with just my Golden Gophers beanie on me bonce yesterday in Croydon. If the rain isn't hard enough, or it's windy, I usually don't bother.

Then again I've been here for nine years. I was taught when I arrived that everyone has five brollies: one in your bag, one at home, one in the car, one at work, and one to lose. ;-)

3:00 PM  
Blogger Middle Kid said...

Smitty! Where are you?

2:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After 3 years of being in England, I no longer own an umbrella.
I used to find it funny, seeing people about getting soaked. However in nearly 2 umbrella-free years, I cannot remember ever getting soaked.
Maybe because we mostly spend our time inside or running from one (indoor) place to the next (indoor) one.
Was I to go back to Italy, I would probably buy one. Odd.

11:45 PM  
Blogger oldest kid said...

Mr. and Mrs. W., we miss you!

1:53 PM  
Blogger Middle Kid said...

You might as well shut this blog down. *sniff*

7:47 PM  
Anonymous President of the Silver Spring Chapter of the Werbenmanjensen Fan Club said...

Have y'all given up the blog for good? Do your fans mean nothing to you?

8:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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1:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice blog you got here. It would be great to read more concerning this matter. Thnx for sharing this material.
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1:26 PM  
Anonymous UK Travel said...

I agree with Tony... it's not really "cool" to be seen with a brolly!

12:00 AM  
Anonymous sewa mobil said...

Nice article, thanks for the information.

2:05 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I thought this is because of Atmosphere.

Thank you.....
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6:16 AM  
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3:02 PM  
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6:24 AM  

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