Saturday, January 21, 2006

Having a whale of a time

Londoners, a worldly group of people if ever there was one, had a rare sighting yesterday: northern bottlenose whales swimming in the river Thames. Forget the troubles of Ruth Kelly and George Galloway; here finally, was some real news! In fact, Sky News carried the story hours after it ceased to be news. And yes, the Sky News anchor really IS the guy from Shaun of the Dead!

I for one will take it as an omen of good things to come. So far I like the city. As I'm trying to blend in -- which ain't easy when you're a Yank -- I haven't done too many touristy things yet. But one thing I did was very cool indeed: Her Majesty's Palace and Fortress the Tower of London. It's walking distance from our temporary apartment, so I had to do it. I saw the place where Anne Boleyn and Kathryn Howard lost their heads, and where Queen Elizabeth II keeps her Crown Jewels. Plus you get to see Henry VIII's armour, which is the equivalent I think of seeing my "fat pants." Ha ha!

Off to have some tea... Coming soon: Mrs. W's vocab lessons.

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Blogger Middle Kid said...

Pictures -- we need pictures. How do I know you're really there and o.k. if we don't have pictures? I happen to know you have 2 digital cameras.

7:00 PM  
Blogger oldest kid said...

I'm looking forward to the vocabulary lesson. Is it true that what we in the US call an English muffin, is called a crumpet in the UK?

10:04 PM  
Blogger Middle Kid said...

That schmutz, what is he, a stalker? How does he know so much about Smitty?

8:47 PM  

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