Monday, May 01, 2006

How to comment--a primer

Certain of our readers have mentioned that they don't know how to leave comments (and we encourage–nay, revel in–comments). It's not very intuitive, I will acknowledge, but quite easy once you get the hang of it.

Basically, below each post is a link that states the number of comments on each post. Click that link, like any other hyperlink. A pop-up window will appear, containing a form in which you can fill in your comments. At the bottom, you are given the option of signing your comment as anonymous, under a name you've registered with Blogger, our blog host, or some other name (your own or a pseudonym). At the bottom is a button that you can use to publish. It's as easy as that. I don't include word verification, because it's user-unfriendly, which explains why I keep getting spammed on my comments board (it's like pulling frigging nightshade, I swear!).

Just so you know, I'm notified by email each time somebody comments. So far, I've only needed to moderate the spam on here, but just be aware that any troll who comes over from another board I comment on and becomes belligerent on my comments board will be moderated with a heavy hand. This is our blog, and I am not interfering with your free speech if I throw you off my property for being a jerk. If you want to exercise free speech, it's very easy. Click here.


Blogger Middle Kid said...

This is great, Smitty. It would be wonderful to have some new blood adding to the comments (not that I don't love the current crowd -- Schmutz, OK, Aussie Sarah, Old Man, etc.). Actually, I wonder why we haven't heard from Schmutz in a while -- hmmm.

6:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps more new bloggers would come forward if uninformed commentors didn't claim that some are "full of smoke".

7:07 PM  
Blogger Middle Kid said...

Anonymous, you shouldn't take it personally. Smitty has told all of us, at one time or another, that we were "full of smoke." Heck, it doesn't matter who you are -- a king, queen, DUKE, or duchess -- Smitty is an equal-opportunity insulter.

10:00 PM  

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