Sunday, February 12, 2006

Here in my car, I feel safest of all

The Guardian's G2 section on Thursday had as its "list of the day" the cars per capita in various countries. It won't surprise you to know that the United States led the list at 0.77 cars per capita (is it possible, really, to saturate the market more?). The UK is farther down the list at 0.44. At the bottom of the list was China, 0.03 cars per person (the list consisted of the wealthy European, North American and Asian Rim countries, so I'm guessing there are some very poor African countries with even lower saturation).

In the States, our household (until the end of November) was abouve average: Two cars, two people. Here, we're two people, no cars (although, technically, we still have one in the States, but we'll be rid of that in two months). Just a philosophical question here: How many cars does anybody really need?


Blogger Middle Kid said...

We need 2. My children, who have recently become total bicycle fanatics, are planning for the day when we can do all of our errands by bike. Then, we will need 5 bikes and 1 car (with a very large bike rack on it).

5:10 PM  
Blogger oldest kid said...

We need 4, but one is for a 19 year old, and one is a 1929 Ford Model A, so it only gets driven in parades.

6:38 PM  

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